It can be traumatic, emotionally upsetting, and financially crippling to file a dog bite lawsuit. Fortunately, dog bite lawsuits are often easy to file and relatively inexpensive when compared to cases involving more severe injuries. Unfortunately, some dog bite victims do not seek legal representation because they fear they will not be able to receive compensation. This is a terrible shame, as victims should seriously consider hiring a dog bite lawyer to represent them. Before you take the next step, find out why every dog bite case is worth hiring an attorney to fight for you.
Dog Bite Statistics Based on the Insurance Information Institute, dog bite lawyers generally paid out about $ Lank nearly $675 thousand in dog bite liability compensation in 2009, with the median compensation amount standing at about $39,000. With so many individuals who sustain dog attacks every year, coupled with the rising cost to care for the injured victim and the resulting medical bills, there is an increasing number of people who are choosing to sue in order to recoup these losses. In most states, the victim is entitled to recover damages that include lost wages, pain and suffering, physical disability, future medical expenses, and other losses. The key to recovering financial losses for victims is identifying the person or entity responsible for your dog attack. When you file a lawsuit now, you will have to provide proof of liability, which can usually be done through pictures or video footage of the incident, or by speaking directly to any witnesses.
What to Do If You Are Battered or Injured While Out on a Walk: Some dog bite lawyers may take your case if you are rendered injured while walking your dog, whether or not you are able to explain what happened. Unfortunately, there are still those who seem to blame animals for bites, even when no one was actually involved in the incident. Unfortunately, dog bite victims may take their injuries or their story to the court in hopes of obtaining compensation. In order to protect yourself, it may be necessary to hire an attorney to represent your best interests. These legal counsels may take a case to court in order to prove that you were not at fault for the attack.
How Strict Liability Should a Dog Bite Lawyer Handle Your Injury? Strict liability law applies in dog bite cases. If you are attacked by an animal acting in an owner's negligence, you may be able to seek compensation because you were injured as a result of this negligence. In most cases, the only way to prove the owner's negligence is to show medical records from the emergency room or doctor, or witness statements. Many dog bite lawyers will not take cases that fail to meet the above requirements, because they do not require the same evidence for their clients. However, if you do submit documentation or testimony to support your claims, it is imperative that the court approve the findings of the medical records or witness statements.
What Can a Strict Liability Lawyer Do For Me? A dog bite lawyer may be able to successfully argue against excessive and unnecessary compensation due to a dog bite, or even have the ability to obtain punitive damages against those who were responsible for the accident. Some dog bite lawyers work exclusively with dog bite victims, while others are open to working a case in which the defendant has no previous history of negligence. You can now find a reliable dog bite lawyer at
What is the Process Exactly Within Dog Bite Laws? After an accident, you should document all details that pertain to the attack. This includes the exact locations of where the attack occurred, any witnesses to the attack, and your account of how the dog bite happened. You should also take pictures of the area of the bite and related injuries. Dog bite lawyers can assess these details and determine if your claim is valid. Once the lawyer has determined that you have a valid case, he will ask for the applicable documents, visit the local courthouse, and represent you in court. For further information, check out this reference post: